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At Maltby Lilly Hall Academy, preparing our children to be well-rounded individuals and global citizens is at the heart of what we do. Our intent is that through our PSHE and RSHE curriculum, all children acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and to prepare them for life in a diverse society now and in the future. As part of our whole school approach, our curriculum develops the qualities and attributes that children need to manage life’s opportunities, challenges and responsibilities as they grow up, enabling them to thrive as individuals, family members and as active participants in society. By building resilience, self-esteem and empathy, our PSHE and RSHE curriculum can tackle barriers to learning and raise aspirations for our pupils. Our curriculum aims to assist children and young people to prepare for adult life by supporting them through their physical, emotional and moral development, and helping them to understand themselves, respect others and form and sustain healthy relationships. British Values are promoted through the overarching aims and objectives of PSHE by supporting our children to become healthy and responsible members of society, as well as preparing them for life and work in modern Britain. 



At Maltby Lilly Hall Academy, we have opted to follow the RoSIS Scheme of work for PHSE/RSHE.  

The scheme of work includes the following topics: 




British Values 

Emotional Health 

Healthy relationships 


Coping Strategies 

Puberty/Growing up 

Financial Education 

Bullying /E-Safety 

Risk Taking /Safety 


Healthy Eating & Physical Activity 

Substance Misuse 




Although the scheme of work starts in Year 1 and follows the children through to Year 6, PSHE and citizenship is also taught through the wider curriculum offer in EYFS. 

In our PSHE/RSHE lessons, we encourage our children to discuss and debate. Open learning activities provide an opportunity for pupils to develop their skills, knowledge and attitude. We firmly believe children debating or discussing topics that are current and relevant to them helps practise using specific language whilst talking about their views and feelings can help them develop key skills for their future lives. 



By the time our children leave Maltby Lilly Hall Academy, we aim for them to:  

  • be able to approach a range of real life situations and apply their skills and attributes to help navigate themselves through modern life 

  • be on their way to becoming healthy, open minded, respectful, socially and morally responsible, active members of society  

  • appreciate difference and diversity 

  • recognise and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of law and Liberty 

  • be able to understand and manage their emotions  

  • be able to look after their mental health and well-being 

  • be able to develop positive, healthy relationship with their peers both now and in the future.  

  • understand the physical aspects involved in growing up at an age appropriate level 

  • have respect for themselves and others.  

  • have positive self esteem