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Every child who comes to Maltby Lilly Hall is unique and the geography curriculum should be so too. We believe it is our job to build upon children’s experiences, understanding and learning of both human and natural aspects of the world they live in. We aim to ensure that each child has an understanding of the area in which they live and how it has developed.  

It is our intention that the geography curriculum will be stimulating in order to capture each pupil’s natural curiosity and fuel their motivation to learn. We aim to ensure that this curiosity of the world will continue throughout their lives so they can move onto the next stage of their education with the geographical skills to succeed as global citizens. 



Throughout their time at Maltby Lilly Hall Academy, the children are provided with opportunities to develop their geographical skills as we are passionate about delivering a skills-based curriculum that promotes cultural capital.  

By having a focus on oracy, we develop each child’s ability to use key geographical vocabulary which is appropriate and evolves from EYFS and KS1 through to KS2. 

We use the national curriculum alongside the themes suggested by the Geographical Association. Therefore, we aim that our children can develop: 

  • Knowledge of places and locations 

  • Fieldwork 

  • Use of globes, plans and maps 

  • Map work skills 

  • Knowledge of human and physical geography 

  • Enquiry skills and communication 

In EYFS, our children develop their understanding of the world by using our expanding Forest School area on our school grounds on a weekly basis. 

In KS1, children are given the opportunity to go out into their local environment to have first-hand experiences of following a prepared route, using directional and locational language and observing key human or physical features. In lower KS2, the children have the opportunity to learn about other European countries with a focus on earthquakes, plate tectonics, volcanoes and tsunamis.  In upper KS2, the children go on residential visits where they have a wide variety of active learning opportunities. 

Floor books showcase geographical learning and progression documents and knowledge organisers inform careful planning for each area taught. 



Our geography curriculum will ensure all pupils are well informed about their local environment and the wider world in which they live. They will demonstrate skills to ensure they are global citizens and can make independent, informed opinions and decisions on what affects the world around them and how they can impact it positively.