Contact Us
Maltby Lilly Hall Academy
Cliff Hill
S66 8AU
Telephone: 01709 812148
Facebook: @MaltbyLillyHall
Twitter: @MaltbyLillyHall
Principal: Mr Richard Pease
Please address all correspondence/queries to: Miss C Hague
Chair of Governors: Mr S Boon
SENDCo: Mrs J Wildin
Safeguarding Governor: Mrs K Leahy
When visiting or phoning the Academy you will be greeted by our Receptionists, Mrs D Tingle and Miss E Leahy, our Administrator, Miss E Brown or our Office Lead - Miss C Hague
We have disabled access throughout our buildings including lift access in the main reception and disabled toiletting facilities in both buildings. The best access to our Reception area is via the Lilly Hall Road entrance. Our school car park has two disabled parking spaces.
Maltby Learning Trust: Maltby Lilly Hall Academy is a part of Maltby Learning Trust. Company Number: 07033915 - Registered in England and Wales.
Main Office: Maltby Grammar Business Hub, Braithwell Road, Maltby, Rotherham, England, S66 8AA. Telephone: 01709 288664
You can find out more about Maltby Learning Trust on their website
How to find Us