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With our curriculum, we seek to create teachers and children who have high expectations; striving for excellence across all areas of the curriculum.  As the National Curriculum moves towards Mastery and children are expected to increasingly apply their skills throughout all aspects of their learning, we continue to push for the delivery of cross-curricular teaching in order to meet the needs of our children in a variety of ways.  We want learning to take place in a safe, purposeful and engaging environment but for our children to be so enthralled with their learning that it continues outside school too. 

At Maltby Lilly Hall, we enhance the learning opportunities available to our students through well-chosen and structured learning experiences both in and out of school, enhanced by a richness of reading opportunities and exceptional cultural experiences. This can be seen in anything from the day-to-day lessons that our teachers deliver, visitors brought in to school, the continued provisioning for creative homework and the visits/residentials that we plan for our pupils.  All of this ultimately serves one purpose, to engage our pupils in a rich, ambitious curriculum.

Maltby Lilly Hall Academy - Curriculum Intent 

Every child who comes to Maltby Lilly Hall is unique. They come to school with their own combination of experiences, understanding and learning which it is our job, and privilege, to build upon. We believe that every child has the right to make the most of their abilities and fulfil their potential. We aim to empower our children to overcome any barriers they face in primary education and beyond.

To enable our children to do this we will –

  • Ensure they develop strong social and communication skills alongside an understanding of how to interact positively and confidently in different contexts.
  • Provide structured programmes to enable pupils to build their expressive vocabulary, fluency and oracy skills.
  • Provide a wide range of opportunities for debate and discussion to enable children to build their understanding of the issues and knowledge taught to them. This enables them to independently formulate their own opinions and be empathetic of others’ views.
  • Engage learners through a wide range of first-hand opportunities for learning and guaranteed enrichment experiences within and beyond the school day.
  • Help to raise children’s levels of resilience, aspiration and ambition through the range and scope of learning experiences and a relentlessly positive ethos.
  • Ensure that those children who experience the most significant disadvantages are supported through an innovative and evidence-based approach to Pupil Premium allocation.
  • Ensure that sequential learning has purpose and meaning. A balance of knowledge and skills are taught explicitly and applied across different contexts through the provision of high-quality programmes of teaching and learning.
  • Ensure that excellence is standard. High expectations are embedded and are implemented consistently across the school.
  • Ensure that children understand the area in which they live, how it has developed and how major events have helped to shape it.
  • Help children to build their cultural understanding, have a strong moral compass, appreciate British Values and how they underpin the society in which we live.

Our goal is to build on the multitude of talents that children bring with them to school, developing the skills they need to be both successful learners and productive contributors to society. We will do this by delivering an aspirational curriculum, alongside our core learning characteristics, which promotes academic excellence, builds a rounded general knowledge and understanding of the world, and promotes strong moral understanding built on British Values.

Reading is interwoven throughout every aspect of our curriculum and is an integral part of ensuring all children achieve excellence.